
what theme(s) would you like to see explored at a future well gathering?


gavin richardson said...

want to do the finding God in the ordinary, i think i can help you with some thoughts.. &:~D

Anonymous said...

maybe a way to look at what a christian looks like is what we don't look like? judgemental,'s a negative approach but i was thinking it might be easier than trying to say what we are? God in the ordinary, it amazes me how often we miss it because we aren't looking, i see God at work alot in creation specifically bugs, like good bugs and birds and flowers, but little kids and babies, other themes unconditional love, love of neighbor, balanced life and peace (personal and how that might effect the world), being our "brothers keeper" i guess i am thinking about concepts about what we're supposed to be like? but sometimes have a hard time defining?or putting into reality--betsy

Eric Coomer said...

I would like the theme to be of the danger of following Christ. I am so sick of hearing "Safe for the Whole Family". Christ never played it safe. He hung out with whores, drunkards, lepers, samaritans, women, tax collectors, thiefs, on and on and on. He turned the tables. Literally.

So, what's all the "safe" crap?

The theme could be "Jesus - Unsafe for the Whole Family."

Eric Coomer said...

There's already a blog about this, but I'd like for us to consider doing a desert themed Well Gathering because of how many things we can do with that and because of the vast amounts of resources I have for that theme as far as videos/stations/scriptures etc.