taking the offering

we started to talk about offerings at well gatherings and never finished. considering we spend money it is something we need to discuss. i think we could do one of the following:
  1. take a traditional offering (but use wooden baskets or something like that) and as we announce the offering say, "If you are a regular attender of grace umc, we'd like for you to give what you can to help us keep the well going." something like that.
  2. or...get a wooden box with a slot and place it by the door.
  3. any other ideas?


Anonymous said...

I personally have always liked the idea of bringing my offering to the altar. it seems like a more personal transaction or conversation with God.

This is Leah, BTW.

Anonymous said...

Good idea, Leah. I agree but some don't feel comfortable going to the altar. I like Eric's idea of a "drop box" at each door - if you go that route. Something tells me that people dig deeper when the plate passes by though...just a thought but it may not fit into this service style as much as a traditional.