finding GOD in the desert

this sunday at noon we will meet to talk about october's well gathering. everyone and anyone is welcome to come and discuss our next gathering over food and drinks in the special studies classroom in the adult wing of grace umc.

our theme this month is "finding GOD in the desert" and we will be discussing the desert times in our lives. we touched on this in july but we will focus on it this month. our conversation will be centered around finding GOD in the desert times.

between now and then think about the following and bring your ideas:
  • scriptures
  • liturgy
  • visual aids
  • video & movie clips (feel free to bring a dvd or video)
  • artwork (print it out if it comes from the internet)
  • songs (from the church and from the world) & hymns
  • prayer stations
  • other ideas
let's get the ball rolling. leave a comment here with ideas.

here's how to comment:
  1. click "comments" below this blog.
  2. write what you want.
  3. click "other"
  4. type your name in the name box and (if you have one) your website in the website box
  5. in the "word verification" box type the squiggly word that is above that box. it will be something non-sensical like "lymonf".
  6. Click "publish your post".


Eric Coomer said...

The church I talked about in this blog is Ginghamsburg Church.

They have a very different kind of worship service (it's more of a seeker service), but if you'd like to you can read the sermon from that night at

Eric Coomer said...

Check this out! Grace (a very cool gathering in London) did a desert themed gathering at the Greenbelt festival and has some stuff we could rip off here:

One of the things they did was the car station we did the other night. Check out how they did it and their other stations.

Anonymous said...

Psalm 63 has a particularly poignant desert theme and is also beautifully worded.

I can picture a station where a loop of voices whispering Psalm 63 is played over and over while scenes of deserts are flashed or run on an overhead screen silently. The wording of Psalm 63 would also need to be at the station so that visitors to that station can recite it along with the loop.

The Black Stallion (Or is it The Black Returns...) has nice desert scenes...Lord of the Flies might...and Indiana Jones...and Wind Talkers...Dune, too, if we can avoid the scenes with the alien monster thingy. Many more movies will come to me later I'm sure.
