january 21 - finding GOD in the land of narnia

our next regular well gathering will be held on january 21 (note: not the last saturday of the month) under the theme of "finding GOD in the land of narnia".

we're excited about this theme. we need to borrow the following items for this gathering:
  • a large wardrobe
  • fake snow - the cotton blanket things that are on sale everywhere right now (and maybe a bag or three of the loose snow flake stuff as well)
  • flat screen or plasma screen tv or monitor - for a faux fireplace
  • un-lit christmas trees (don't pack yours up just yet...we need a forest!)
more info to come...

new year's well this sunday morning at 10

woefully behind on blogging at this site...

we will gather at a special service this sunday morning at 10 am with many elements from the well. we'll be using the sanctuary instead of the family life center. this will present interesting problems as the room is already smaller than the flc and it's the only service that day so it promises to be wall to wall. very different than the average well experience but we'll make it work.

the theme for this service is "finding GOD in the new year". there will be lots of corporate reading, a four member band will play, and betsy hall will speak.

we'll be setting a prayer closet in the sanctuary, a prayer hall, and a few tables outside the sanctuary. due to the limited space (and chrismon tree) there won't be much room for stations in the actual sanctuary.

so join us on national hangover day at 10 a.m. to contemplate your life and GOD in the new year.