well gatherings for 2006

January 21 – finding God in the land of narnia

February 25 - love

March 25 – lent (stations of the cross?)

April 13 – maundy thursday (at the flc)

May 27 - worshipping the creator *

June 24 –

July 29 - taize prayer gathering

August 26 - the rat race

September 30 – prayer path labyrinth (more pics here) *

October 28 -

November 18 (second to last saturday) – thanksgiving - come home *

December ??? – advent / christmas

*Indicates a pre-made worship gathering (we can alter) using products from group publishing/proost. click the link to learn more and view pictures.

planning session this wednesday

we will plan the february 25 well gathering this wednesday at 8 pm at the family life center.

starting this month we will meet on the first wednesday of each month to plan the next well and briefly discuss the previous one.

we’d love to have you there this Wednesday to help us brainstorm.

theme ideas for february

"Jesus - unsafe for the whole family" (how Christ challenges us to live outside our comfort zones, etc.)

“forgiveness” (forgiving ourselves/forgiving others)

“what a christian looks like” / “what the church looks Like” (You can substitute “doesn’t look like” if you prefer)

leave a comment with more ideas

"aslan is on the move!"

our well gathering this month centers around the theme of "finding GOD in the land of narnia."

we'll meet on saturday, january 21 and worship together as we eat turkish delight, drink tea, and learn about the parallels between the gospels and c.s. lewis' chronicles of narnia.

if you haven't yet seen the new film, go see the it and come excited!

if you have any ideas for this gathering including the worship space, songs, prayer stations, or anything else be sure to leave a comment here.

recipe for turkish delight

  1. 5 tablespoons of corn starch
  2. 1/2 cup of cold water
  3. 1/2 cup of hot water
  4. 2 cups of sugar
  5. 1/2 cup of orange juice
  6. 1 teaspoon rosewater (or lemon juice)
  7. 2 cups of pistachios (or other nuts if you like)
  8. A bag of powdered sugar
  9. Flavoring (lemon, orange, strawberry)
  10. Step-by-Step Instructions:
  11. Butter a large shallow pan
  12. Mix the cornstarch with cold water, and set it aside.
  13. Bring the hot water, sugar and orange juice to a boil in medium size saucepan
  14. Add the cornstarch
  15. Simmer for 15 minutes
  16. Stir often
  17. Remove from heat
  18. Add rosewater/lemon juice and flavoring (whatever you choose)
  19. Stir in nuts
  20. Pour into buttered pan
  21. When cooled and thickened, (be patient) cut into 1-inch cubes with a knife dipped in hot water
  22. Roll in powdered sugar