pictures of another "worshipping the creator"

see pictures of "worshipping the creator" set up at grace in st. mary's church - london, england - here and here.

talk points for the meeting

here are some of the talk-points we'll go over on wednesday night...

  1. advertise "worshipping the creator" as an “experience” rather than worship service/gathering.
  2. this is a hugely personal experience. the participants put on headphones and personal CD players and experience this with separate CD tracks that are all about 6 minutes long.
  3. we learned from the stations of the cross (specifically the “Jesus meets the women” fingerprints station) that it might be better if we didn’t have a definitive start time. instead it might be beneficial to advertise worshipping the creator as being “open from” (5 until 9, 4 to 10, whatever works).
  4. each station would be set up by a separate person who would have free reign on it (can use anything we have and anything else they want to bring in) and would need to set it up on thursday, friday or saturday morning. We will number the tables from 1 to 7 so they know where to put their particular station stuff in the family life center.

    the person who is responsible for the station would also tear it down (by 2 on Sunday?).
  5. work in shifts on the evening of the “experience”.

other talk points:

  1. growing the “brainstorming” team
  2. developing a community of artists
  3. advertising (post cards,, full page insert in bulletin)

brainstorming meeting this wednesday night @ 8

we will meet at 8 pm this wednesday night at the main building to brainstorm the well for this month and months beyond.

maundy thursday and what's to come

thanks to everyone who helped make the maundy thursday gathering such a success. pictures are coming soon.

our next gathering is may 27 and we will use the proost/group worship experience worshipping the creator. click the link to check it out.

more info is coming.

pictures from the stations of the cross

see pictures from the stations of the cross we held at the well in march by clicking here.

holy thursday basic service layout

  • someone at door to greet
  • participants will sit at round tables with communion elements as centerpieces
  • tables are arranged in a large circle (or oval)

  • in the middle of the tables is a carpet with
    1. large ornate pitcher (need to find one)
    2. basin filled with water
    3. dirty white towel or fabric
  • the sermon and music are delivered from this area

  • start with announcements
  • song: "come to the well" is sung
  • during song, hands are washed at 2 station(s)
  • show "washing of the feet" video
  • liturgy or song
  • song or liturgy
  • scripture
  • message
  • silence
  • communion at tables
  • stations (and music)

    the stations:

  1. washing of hands stations - 2 long tables - toward the beginning of the service, participants will wash the hands of each other.

  2. passover/seder station - 1 long or round table - contains elements of seder meal and explanations. red paint (on paper) above door behind station.

  3. art station - 2 long tables connected at corner of two walls - at one participants are asked to creat last supper images. famous and not so famous last supper images will be hung above the station.

  4. peter's denial

  5. judas station - we will incorporate items from sanctuary's stations of the cross service - station number 2. participants will receive coin at station.

the photo that lit the spark

this picture was taken at first birmingham umc in michigan. it was one of the results when i searched "maundy thursday" in google images. after talking to some of the staff at the church and reviewing their order of worship for that night, i realized that we could do something like this for our holy thursday service at grace. that night was the beginning of the well. the rest is history in the making...

maundy thursday planning

join us this wednesday at 8 pm as we plan maundy thursday/holy thursday (april 13).

the theme of the gathering is the last supper. last year we began this whole alt.worship thing at grace on maundy thursday. this year we'll do something new and different.

leave us your ideas here.


i'm way behind on posting pictures...they'll be up this week.